
Welcome to Love the Real You. Body image is exactly that, an image. It's the picture you have in your head of what you look like. Your body image is created from a bunch of different thing, including the feelings connected to the picture you have of yourself in your head. Your body image is based on things like what you know from school about health, how your grandma looks, how your friends and family talk about bodies and all of the images you see in the media.
Women all over the world now believe that beauty has become limiting and unattainable - as if only thin, young and blond are beautiful. This definition of beauty is having a profound effect on our self-esteem! Only 2% of women around the world describe themselves as beautiful. We must stand together and learn how we can not let today's negative influences affect how we feel any more!


Building a Better Body Image

With our society being obsessed with looks and weight, it is hard to ignore the negative messages we receive about our bodies. But we do not have to passively accept those messages! Here are some great tips to build a better self image about yourself, don't allow your body image to continue to be twisted!

1. Experiment with what weight feels comfortable to you: Instead of just trying to be thin, find where your body feels great! Also be willing to accept weight variations throughout life, you cannot expect yourself to look like you did when you were 14 at age 25!

2. Experience your body as a whole: most of us judge our body parts individually, "my thighs are too fat, my breasts too droopy, my lips too thick." Try experiencing your body as a whole, rather than as separate parts that need improvement.

3. Find your own style or look:
Instead of trying to conform to the brutal beauty ideal promoted by the media, experiment with finding a style or look that expresses something about yourself and feels good to yo

4. Embrace your curves:
Reject the imposed ideals that womanhood must be suppressed. If you have a curvy body, embrace your curves as symbols of power and pride!

5. Recognize how much time you worry about how you look:
Instead of being aware of what is going on inside of you or around you, try practicing mindfulness, look for what you can do for others, service brings mo
re happiness than wearing a desired size ever will.

6. Give up the media for a week:
Give up reading magazines (especially fashion magazines!) watching television, or surfing the internet. When you get the urge to click the remote control, go for a walk or invite a friend over. At the end of the week, notice if you feel differently about yourself.

7. Kill your inner supermodel:
If you have an image of perfection in your head to which you're constantly comparing yourself, get rid of it. You think your nose is too big? Compared to whose? You consider your str
etch marks flaws? Where is it written that our bodies should be free of lines or marks or scars? Such bodies do not exist in real life!

For more information please click here.


Emily said...

Body image problems are so pervasive in our world. I feel that I have an extremely good image of myself, but I am still tempted to get on the scale every time I walk by one. Even if you don't think you have a problem, you are still affected by the false ideals of beauty.

Kellie Ann said...

I enjoyed the tips you listed! It is such a huge, daily problem for everyone and it's good to take a step back and remember what really matters! I think each of us struggle at different times with our body image; hopefully it doesn't consume our time regualarly!