
Welcome to Love the Real You. Body image is exactly that, an image. It's the picture you have in your head of what you look like. Your body image is created from a bunch of different thing, including the feelings connected to the picture you have of yourself in your head. Your body image is based on things like what you know from school about health, how your grandma looks, how your friends and family talk about bodies and all of the images you see in the media.
Women all over the world now believe that beauty has become limiting and unattainable - as if only thin, young and blond are beautiful. This definition of beauty is having a profound effect on our self-esteem! Only 2% of women around the world describe themselves as beautiful. We must stand together and learn how we can not let today's negative influences affect how we feel any more!


Stars WIHTOUT makeup

It is often very easy to compare ourselves to those beautiful stars we see on TV and in movies but it is hard to remember that what we see is not always the real deal. Here are some pictures of stars with and without makeup to help you realize the truth. Enjoy!

Jennifer Gardner

Cameron Diaz

Eva Longoria

Drew Barrymore

Jessica Alba

Hillary Duff

What do you think?! How can we prevent ourselves from holding impossible standards?


Gwen said...

Cool pictures. It is interesting to see celebrities without makeup.

Brillo Pad said...

I love seeing celebs like this, you should post pam anderson, it's discusting. The best part is that jessica alba looks the exact same.

Sarah and Sean said...

Wow! Some of them look like completely different people. No wonder there is an unrealistic expectation for women these days.

Charlotte said...

Weird. It makes you wish they looked like that all the time so we didn't feel so pressured all the time. They really do look just like us, that acutally gives me some confidence.

Katy said...

It's great to see women in their natural state. I wish women would see that as beautiful as opposed to the fully made up versions of celebrities